How To Invest 100$ In 4 DIFFERENT WAYS
1.Start a business
I know that it sounds like cliche because to start a business,it seems like you clearly need much more than a hundred bucks.But believe it or not,there are actually a handful number of businesses you can start with as little as a 100$.
The problem is that,when we think of starting a business,we imagine big businesses and ignore all the small ones that are much easier to start.You can buy a Lawn Mower for a 100$ for example,and start a side business cutting your neighbors grass.
2.Trade stocks
If you haven’t bought a single stock,the world of stocks market is probably quite ambitious to you .
When you actually get in and start,a lot of things start getting clear.There is a difference on reading about stocks and investing in them.What seems so obvious in theory isn’t that easy in practice.When you buy a stock and it starts dumping ,you will get emotional,your brain stops working and your emotions get in charge,all that will be in your mind is to minimize losses.That’s when you really learn.
The point isn’t to turn that 100$ into a thousand,but to experience the market.But when you’re trading with real money you will be much more carefull and cautious since your money is at stake.
It’s actually fun to look for the right company to throw your money in.You will have to study those companies in every aspect cause your basically betting on the future of the company.
3.Invest in books
Reading about investing and all that will set place on the subconsciousness,the moment you make that shift in your mentality,your perspective changes,and you will start making different decisions that will slowly lead you to financial independence.
4. Learn a valuable skill
What you can also do is to use that hundred bucks to learn a skill that will earn much more later on.This is probably the best option if youre struggling financially or looking for a side hustle.
You can invest in a social media course,cause every business is now looking for someone who actually undestands how these algorithms work.
Or you can learn graphic designing,copywriting,webdesigning.There are endless number of online oppurtunities.